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Getting Started

If you haven't already installed Appsody, follow the steps described in Installing Appsody.

Creating a new Appsody project is easy! All you need is a few commands to create a containerized development environment running with the stack of your choice.

First, choose a development stack. To see all the available stacks, run:

appsody list

Create a new directory for your project and run appsody init <stack> to download the template project. The following example uses the nodejs-express stack to create a fully functional Appsody project:

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
appsody init nodejs-express

Start the development container:

appsody run

Great! Now the project is running in a docker container, and the container is linked to the project source code on your local system. For nodejs-express, navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the output. Other stacks might use a different URL, so check the documentation for your chosen stack.

Now let's try changing the code. Edit the file app.js to output something other than "Hello from Appsody!". When you save the file, Appsody picks up the change and automatically updates the container. Refresh http://localhost:3000 to see the new message!

You are ready to continue developing your application.

  • To stop the container, press Ctrl-C in the terminal.
  • To enable the debugger, restart the container with appsody debug.
  • When you are ready to build a production docker image, run appsody build.

You can get more information about all the available commands by running appsody help [command] or appsody <command> --help.