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Traceability Metadata

Appsody enables end-to-end traceability from development to deployment by injecting metadata, in the form of labels and annotations, on container images and Kubernetes resources.

Stack labels

When you package the stack by running the stack package command, the following labels are generated and added to the stack image:

Labels with the prefix: dev.appsody.image.commit are created when Git source control is configured for stack source code.

<GitHub Stack URL> = https://github.com/appsody/stacks/tree/master/incubator/starter

Labels Description Origin Example
dev.appsody.image.commit.contextDir Subdirectory specifying the source code for the stack Git incubator/starter
dev.appsody.image.commit.date Date for commit creation or push Git Tue Mar 3 16:16:43 2020 +0000
dev.appsody.image.commit.message Message attributed to Git commit Git starter - changed description text (#001)

Labels with the prefix: dev.appsody.stack are created from general information that is passed to the stack.

Labels Description Origin Example
dev.appsody.stack.id Stack ID Identifier for stack starter
dev.appsody.stack.tag Stack tag Tag for stack image docker.io/appsody/starter:0.1.1
dev.appsody.stack.deprecated Optional - The reason for deprecating the stack deprecated field in stack.yaml [01/01/2020] - Deprecated

Appsody adds labels described by OCI Image specification while building stack container images, primarily by using information from the stack.yaml and GitHub.

Labels Description Origin Example
org.opencontainers.image.authors Opencontainer Spec maintainers field in stack.yaml Joe BLoggs <joebloggs-githubID>
org.opencontainers.image.created Opencontainer Spec Created by the stack package command 2020-03-03T16:19:59Z
org.opencontainers.image.description Opencontainer Spec description field in stack.yaml Runnable starter stack
org.opencontainers.image.documentation Opencontainer Spec GitHub <GitHub Stack URL>/README.md
org.opencontainers.image.licenses Opencontainer Spec license field in stack.yaml Apache-2.0
org.opencontainers.image.revision Opencontainer Spec Github c27fffdbe7a9443081ef6abbac2cb2d8125aeb45
org.opencontainers.image.source Opencontainer Spec GitHub <GitHub Stack URL>/image
org.opencontainers.image.title Opencontainer Spec name field in stack.yaml Starter Sample
org.opencontainers.image.url Opencontainer Spec GitHub <GitHub Stack URL>
org.opencontainers.image.version Opencontainer Spec version field in stack.yaml 0.1.1

If there are additional labels present, they are inherited from the base image used by the stack.

Application labels

The build command adds labels to the Appsody application image using information from:

  • The generated application config file .appsody-config.yaml (prefix: dev.appsody.app)
  • Git source control (prefix: dev.appsody.image.commit)
  • The stack image (prefix: dev.appsody.stack)

Labels with the prefix: dev.appsody.app are created using information from the .appsody-config.yaml

Labels Description Origin Example
dev.appsody.app.name Application your project is part of application-name field in .appsody-config.yaml hello-world

Labels with the prefix: dev.appsody.image.commit are created when Git source control is configured in a user's project.

Labels Description Origin Example
dev.appsody.image.commit.contextDir Subdirectory specifying the source code for the application Git incubator/starter
dev.appsody.image.commit.date Date on which Git commit was created Git Tue Mar 3 16:16:43 2020 +0000
dev.appsody.image.commit.message Message attributed to Git commit Git hello-world - fixes (#001)

Labels with the prefix: dev.appsody.stack are inherited from the stack image. The build command changes the prefix for each of the stack labels from org.opencontainers.image to dev.appsody.stack and adds some more by inspecting the stack image.

<GitHub Stack URL> = https://github.com/appsody/stacks/tree/master/incubator/starter

Labels Description Origin Example
dev.appsody.stack.authors Stack maintainers' names and github IDs authors field in stack.yaml Joe BLoggs <joebloggs-githubID>
dev.appsody.stack.configured The version of the stack your application is configured to use stack field in .appsody-config.yaml docker.io/appsody/starter:0.1
dev.appsody.stack.created Timestamp of when stack was packaged Created by the stack package command 2020-03-03T16:19:59Z
dev.appsody.stack.deprecated OPTIONAL - Stack deprecation message if stack is deprecated deprecated field in stack.yaml [01/01/2020] Deprecated
dev.appsody.stack.description Stack description description field in stack.yaml Runnable starter stack
dev.appsody.stack.documentation Stack README Location for stack documentation <GitHub Stack URL>/README.md
dev.appsody.stack.id ID of the stack that was used to build the application Name of directory stack is located in starter
dev.appsody.stack.licenses Licenses attributed to stack license field in stack.yaml Apache-2.0
dev.appsody.stack.version The version of the stack that was used to build the application. This can be a specific version. version field in stack.yaml 0.1.1
dev.appsody.stack.tag Stack tag Full tag for the stack image including registry, namespace, id an version docker.io/appsody/starter:0.1.1
dev.appsody.stack.title Stack title Name of the stack used Starter Sample
dev.appsody.stack.revision Revision for the source code for the version of the stack Github c27fffdbe7a9443081ef6abbac2cb2d8125aeb45
dev.appsody.stack.source URL for the source code for the image of the stack version GitHub <GitHub Stack URL>/image
dev.appsody.stack.url URL for the source code for this version of the stack GitHub
dev.appsody.stack.digest Digest of the stack image Docker/Buildah sha256:14828ecbd226c9869761a4991911c407465c754e54b5a988c4daa933b6adf4ae
dev.appsody.stack.commit.contextDir Directory in GitHub repo that points to source code of the stack Git incubator/starter
dev.appsody.stack.commit.date Date on which Git commit was created Git Tue Mar 3 16:16:43 2020 +0000
dev.appsody.stack.commit.message Message attributed to Git commit Git starter - changed description text (#001)

Labels with the prefix: org.opencontainers.image are created every time that a stack is packaged, primarily by using information from the .appsody-config.yaml and GitHub.

<GitHub Project URL> = https://github.com/JoeBlogg/tree/master/HelloWorld

Labels Description Origin Example
org.opencontainers.image.authors Opencontainer Spec authors field in .appsody-config.yaml Joe BLoggs <joebloggs-githubID>
org.opencontainers.image.created Opencontainer Spec Timestamp when application was built 2020-03-03T16:19:59Z
org.opencontainers.image.description Opencontainer Spec description field in .appsody-config.yaml Simple "Hello, World!" application
org.opencontainers.image.documentation Opencontainer Spec GitHub <GitHub Project URL>/README.md
org.opencontainers.image.licenses Opencontainer Spec license field in .appsody-config.yaml Apache-2.0
org.opencontainers.image.revision Opencontainer Spec Github c27fffdbe7a9443081ef6abbac2cb2d8125aeb45
org.opencontainers.image.source Opencontainer Spec GitHub <GitHub Project URL>
org.opencontainers.image.title Opencontainer Spec Application directory name hello-world
org.opencontainers.image.url Opencontainer Spec GitHub <GitHub Project URL>
org.opencontainers.image.version Opencontainer Spec version field in .appsody-config.yaml 0.1.1

Custom Resources for Kubernetes

The build command injects all the traceability information from the stack and the application into the deployment manifest (app-deploy.yaml). While adding this information, it reformats the label names to adhere to the Kubernetes reverse domain notation.

When the application is deployed, the traceability information is made available to Kubernetes resources (deployments, services etc.) that represent the application.

Original Label Kubernetes Custom Resource
dev.appsody.app.name app.kubernetes.io/part-of
dev.appsody.image.commit.contextDir commit.image.appsody.dev/contextDir
dev.appsody.image.commit.date commit.image.appsody.dev/date
dev.appsody.image.commit.message commit.image.appsody.dev/message
dev.appsody.stack.authors stack.appsody.dev/authors
dev.appsody.stack.created stack.appsody.dev/created
dev.appsody.stack.deprecated stack.appsody.dev/deprecated
dev.appsody.stack.description stack.appsody.dev/description
dev.appsody.stack.documentation stack.appsody.dev/documentation
dev.appsody.stack.id stack.appsody.dev/id
dev.appsody.stack.licenses stack.appsody.dev/licenses
dev.appsody.stack.version stack.appsody.dev/version
dev.appsody.stack.title stack.appsody.dev/title
dev.appsody.stack.revision stack.appsody.dev/revision
dev.appsody.stack.source stack.appsody.dev/source
dev.appsody.stack.tag stack.appsody.dev/tag
dev.appsody.stack.url stack.appsody.dev/url
dev.appsody.stack.digest stack.appsody.dev/digest
dev.appsody.stack.commit.contextDir commit.stack.appsody.dev/contextDir
dev.appsody.stack.commit.date commit.stack.appsody.dev/date
dev.appsody.stack.commit.message commit.stack.appsody.dev/message
org.opencontainers.image.authors image.opencontainers.org/authors
org.opencontainers.image.created image.opencontainers.org/created
org.opencontainers.image.description image.opencontainers.org/description
org.opencontainers.image.documentation image.opencontainers.org/documentation
org.opencontainers.image.licenses image.opencontainers.org/licenses
org.opencontainers.image.revision image.opencontainers.org/revision
org.opencontainers.image.source image.opencontainers.org/source
org.opencontainers.image.title image.opencontainers.org/title
org.opencontainers.image.url image.opencontainers.org/url
org.opencontainers.image.version image.opencontainers.org/version