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Testing Stacks

After you create or update a stack, the next consideration is to test the stack to check that it meets your needs. To validate a stack in your local Appsody development environment, use the stack validation command. Stack validation performs several operations against the stack and provides a summary of these operations.

Validation process

Stack validation consists of six operations:

  • Lint: Statically analyzes your source code to verify that it conforms to the structure of an Appsody stack.
  • Package: Builds the stack images and templates and generates an Appsody repository index that you can use for local testing.
  • Init: Initializes an Appsody project that uses the default project template from your stack.
  • Run: Starts the Appsody development container that was created during initialization.
  • Test: Runs the project's test suite in the Appsody development container. The test suite is composed of generic tests in the stack.
  • Build: Generates a production Docker image ready for deployment to your runtime platform of choice.

Testing a stack using the Appsody CLI

  1. Navigate to the root directory of your stack

  2. Run the following command:

appsody stack validate

If your stack is already packaged and you don't want to run the package operation as part of validate, you can use the --no-package flag.

  1. After completion, it provides a summary of the results. The following summary output shows the result of running validate against the starter stack:
@@@@@@@@@ Validate Summary Start @@@@@@@@@@
PASSED: Lint for stack: starter
PASSED: Package for stack: starter
PASSED: Init for stack: starter
PASSED: Run for stack: starter
PASSED: Test for stack: starter
PASSED: Build for stack: starter
Total PASSED: 6
Total FAILED: 0
@@@@@@@@@ Validate Summary End @@@@@@@@@@

The summary provides a result for each of the operations and a total for the overall number of passed and failed operations.

Next steps

You have now developed, packaged, and tested a stack. You can now publish your stack so that other developers can use its functionality to accelerate development of their own cloud-native applications. For more information, see Publishing Stacks.