Make your MERN stack application cloud-native with Appsody

This tutorial shows you how to take your existing MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and Node.js) stack application and convert it into a cloud-native application using the open source Appsody project.

Specifically, we show you how to use Appsody's nodejs-express stack to create a simple ToDo list application from the CloudNativeJS MERN workshop. By using an Appsody stack, you can delegate your chosen cloud technologies and standards to the stack which ensures consistency and reliability across your applications that use this stack.

Introduction to Appsody

Appsody is an open source project that helps you create containerized applications for the cloud. Appsody applications use pre-configured application stacks that have built in cloud native capabilities, such as health checks and metrics to be used for Prometheus monitoring. The Appsody CLI allows you to run, build, and test your application locally before deploying to Kubernetes. By using Appsody you can develop cloud native applications ready to be deployed to Kubernetes without being an expert on the underlying container technology.


To follow the step in tutorial, you need to:

You will also need to clone the MERN stack application:

git clone
cd mern-workshop

Converting your application to an Appsody application

MongoDB database

This application uses a MongoDB database, so you need to start a MongoDB docker container using the following commands:

docker pull mongo
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mern-mongo mongo
export MONGO_URL=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mern-mongo)

This creates an instance of MongoDB listening on port 27017 and also sets the environment variable MONGO_URL which you will use in your backend application.

Back-end Express application

Start by enabling Appsody for the back-end Express.js application:

cd backend
appsody init nodejs-express none

This downloads the latest Appsody nodejs-express stack and also creates a .appsody-config.yaml file. You can use this yaml file to configure the name of your Appsody project and stack and its version used in the project. At the time of this writing, that's nodejs-express version 0.4, but updates are posted frequently.

Appsody should now be enabled for the back-end application. However you need to make a couple of adjustments to the code before the application will work with Appsody. Start by replacing the code in server/routers/index.js with the code shown below:

module.exports = function(options){
  const express = require('express');
  const app = express();

  require('./mongo')(app, options.server);

  return app;

The Appsody nodejs-express stack includes a pre-configured Express.js app with cloud-native features, such as health checks and monitoring. You need to export your app with module.exports, so it can be consumed by this stack-provided application.

Next, use the following command to remove all the duplicate files that you no longer need, as you are delegating these features to the Appsody stack:

rm -rf .dockerignore chart Dockerfile scripts public sever/server.js server/routers/health.js server/routers/public.js

The following duplicate features have been removed:

  1. appmetrics-dash and appmetrics-prometheus. These application monitoring libraries are included in the nodejs-express stack by default, so we no longer need to require them in our application. appmetrics-prometheus will provide a /metrics endpoint for use with Prometheus monitoring. appmetrics-dash provides a web-based dashboard at /appmetrics-dash showing performance metrics of the application.

  2. The HTTP server for the application stack can now be accessed using options.server instead of requiring HTTP.

  3. log4js has been removed as the nodejs-express stack provides Pino logging.

  4. Both app.use have been removed as they are used to catch all undefined routes and provide a 404 error. The nodejs-express stack already provides this feature.

Now that you made the adjustments to index.js, you need to update the package.json. Start by adding a main field that defines the entry point of the application for Appsody.

  "name": "node-backend",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Cool MERN app for Docker/Kubernetes",
  "private": true,
  "main": "server/routers/index.js",
  "engines": {
    "node": "^12.14.1"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node server/server.js",
    "build": "NODE_ENV=production webpack"
  "dependencies": {
    "appmetrics-dash": "^5.3.0",
    "appmetrics-prometheus": "^3.1.0",
    "body-parser": "^1.17.1",
    "connect-mongo": "^3.2.0",
    "cors": "^2.8.4",
    "express": "^4.15.3",
    "log4js": "^3.0.5",
    "mongoose": "^5.8.11"

You can also remove the appmetrics-dash and appmetrics-prometheus dependencies as these are already included in the nodejs-express stack.

npm uninstall appmetrics-prometheus appmetrics-dash

The application should now be fully compatible with Appsody and can be started with:

appsody run  --docker-options "-e MONGO_URL"

The application will be running on port 3000. You passed the MONGO_URL environment variable to Appsody using the --docker-options option. While the application is running, any code changes you make will cause your application to restart and the changes reflected immediately to your container. You will also get access to the additional cloud-native capabilities of the Appsody nodejs-express stack:

Appsody endpoints:

Application-defined endpoints:

The metrics dashboard is only available during development and is not included in images built using appsody build.

Deploy your application to Kubernetes

Now that you have converted your application to use the nodejs-express stack, you can use the appsody deploy command to deploy microservices to a Kubernetes cluster. To follow the rest of this tutorial you will need the following pre-requisites installed:

MongoDB database

To deploy a MongoDB database to Kubernetes, we use Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes that allows you to install application charts into your Kubernetes cluster.

Start by configuring Helm to use charts from the stable Helm repository.

helm repo add stable

Now you can deploy MongoDB into your cluster using the stable Helm chart.

helm install mongo --set replicaSet.enabled=true,service.type=LoadBalancer,replicaSet.replicas.secondary=3 stable/mongodb

Run the command kubectl get all and you should see the following:

NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/mongo-mongodb-arbiter-0             1/1     Running   0          21s
pod/mongo-mongodb-primary-0             0/1     Running   0          21s
pod/mongo-mongodb-secondary-0           0/1     Running   0          21s
pod/mongo-mongodb-secondary-1           0/1     Running   0          21s
pod/mongo-mongodb-secondary-2           0/1     Running   0          21s

NAME                             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
service/kubernetes               ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP           7d1h
service/mongo-mongodb            LoadBalancer   <pending>     27017:32574/TCP   21s
service/mongo-mongodb-headless   ClusterIP      None            <none>        27017/TCP         21s

NAME                                          DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/appsody-operator-7ff45fd6cc   1         1         1       3d4h

NAME                                       READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/mongo-mongodb-arbiter     1/1     21s
statefulset.apps/mongo-mongodb-primary     0/1     21s
statefulset.apps/mongo-mongodb-secondary   0/3     21s

It may take a few minutes for all your pods to be 1/1 READY. You can watch them become available using kubectl get pods --watch. Once they are all ready, you can carry on with the next steps in this tutorial.

Back-end Express application

Now we have a MongoDB database deployed to our Kubernetes cluster, we can deploy the backend application. Before we can deploy the application we need to modify the connection URL, because the deployed database uses a username and password. This means we need to edit the mongoConnect variable in the file server/routers/mongo.js to the following.

let mongoConnect = `mongodb://${MONGO_CONFIG.mongoUser}:${MONGO_CONFIG.mongoPass}@${MONGO_CONFIG.mongoURL}:27017`;

Run the following command to build your production-ready Docker image and generate a deployment manifest file.

appsody build

A new file, app-deploy.yaml should have been created in the back-end directory. You can use this file to deploy your application to Kubernetes. Before you can deploy the application, you need to add a few environment variables to the deployment config.

To do this, simply add the password for the database to the blank value field and then add this yaml to the deployment config under the spec field.

  - name: MONGO_URL
    value: mongo-mongodb
  - name: MONGO_USER
    value: root
  - name: MONGO_PASS

To get the password for the MongoDB database, run the following command:

echo $(kubectl get secret --namespace default mongo-mongodb -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 --decode)  

The spec section of your app-deploy.yaml should now look like the following:

  applicationImage: "dev.local/backend"
  createKnativeService: false
  - name: MONGO_URL
    value: mongo-mongodb
  - name: MONGO_USER
    value: root
  - name: MONGO_PASS
    value: XXXX
  expose: true
    failureThreshold: 12
      path: /live
      port: 3000
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 2
      k8s-app: backend
    failureThreshold: 12
      path: /ready
      port: 3000
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 2
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    annotations: "true"
    port: 3000
    type: NodePort
  stack: nodejs-express
  version: 1.0.0

This approach is not normally recommended for environment variables that should be kept secret, such as passwords. For those environment variables, you should use Kubernetes secrets. For simplicity, we skipped that step.

Now deploy the backend to your Kubernetes cluster using:

appsody deploy --no-build

We used the --no-build option as we built our production-ready Docker container in the last step using appsody build, so there's no need to rebuild it.

Once it has finished deploying, you should see a message like the following.

Found deployment manifest /Users/andrewhughes/mern-blog/mern-workshop/backend/app-deploy.yaml
Using namespace default for deployment
Attempting to get resource from Kubernetes ...
Running command: kubectl get pods "-o=jsonpath='{.items[?(\"appsody-operator\")].metadata.namespace}'" --all-namespaces
Attempting to get resource from Kubernetes ...
Running command: kubectl get deployments "-o=jsonpath='{.items[?(\"appsody-operator\")].metadata.namespace}'" -n default
Attempting to get resource from Kubernetes ...
Running command: kubectl get pod "-o=jsonpath='{.items[?(\"appsody-operator\")]}'" -n default
Attempting to get resource from Kubernetes ...
Running command: kubectl exec -n default -it appsody-operator-7ff45fd6cc-xzxwk -- /bin/printenv WATCH_NAMESPACE
Attempting to apply resource in Kubernetes ...
Running command: kubectl apply -f /Users/andrewhughes/mern-blog/mern-workshop/backend/app-deploy.yaml --namespace default
Appsody Deployment name is: backend
Running command: kubectl get rt backend -o "jsonpath=\"{.status.url}\"" --namespace default
Attempting to get resource from Kubernetes ...
Running command: kubectl get route backend -o "jsonpath={.status.ingress[0].host}" --namespace default
Attempting to get resource from Kubernetes ...
Running command: kubectl get svc backend -o "jsonpath=http://{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}:{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" --namespace default
Deployed project running at http://localhost:31811

Your Appsody nodejs-express application should now be successfully deployed to Kubernetes. If you want to test it before you deploy your frontend application, try a POST request to http://localhost:31811/api/todos with the following body:

   "task": "appsody task",
   "author": "appsody"

Alternatively using cURL:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"author\":\"appsody\",\"task\": \"appsody task\"}" http://localhost:31811/api/todos

Now if you go to the http://localhost:31811/api/todos in your browser, you should see the task you just sent. Note that the port number used in the URLs in this tutorial may be different to the port number of your Appsody application.

Front-end React application

To deploy the front-end application to Kubernetes, use the Helm charts that are in the charts directory. These charts are a predefined way to deploy your application to Kubernetes. In this case, the charts have already been created for this application. Normally, you would have to write your own chart to define how you want to deploy your application to Kubernetes.

Before you can deploy your application, you need to make a small adjustment to the API_URL variable in the file src/containers/App.js in the frontend directory to use the new port of the backend application deployed to Kubernetes.

const API_URL = 'http://localhost:BACKEND_PORT/api/todos';

Build the Docker image for the front-end application using the following:

cd frontend
docker build -f Dockerfile -t frontend:v1.0.0 .

Now that have you built the Docker container, deploy it to Kubernetes with Helm using the following:

helm install frontend chart/frontend

You can view your deployed frontend, backend, and MongoDB in Kubernetes using:

kubectl get pods

Port-forward the application to port 30555 using the following command:

kubectl port-forward service/frontend-service 30555:80

The front-end application should now be accessible at http://localhost:30555

You have now successfully taken your MERN stack application, converted it to an Appsody application, and deployed it to Kubernetes. If you want to find out more about Appsody chat to us in Slack.